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Register now for our enlightening Islamic lecture in Singapore
A Rabbani individual is a person who is constantly in connection with Allah and manifests his/her love for Allah and His Messenger (peace be upon him) through his/her actions, communication, mindset, character, struggle, self-appearance, and way of life. The Rabbani individuals respect and love all of Allah’s creation.
The Rabbani individual would possess an integrated knowledge and understanding of Allah, Prophet Muhammad (s) and Islam. His/her personality is shaped by an elevated soul, which manifests through his/her faith and piety, a clear outlook of life and exemplary morals and behaviour.
The speaker will discuss the concept of the Rabbani individual and the Rabbani ummah (community). He would also expound on the various ways that the Muslim community can empower themselves with the virtues of being a Rabbani. He would discuss the role a Rabbani individual can play to be a role model for other human beings. The speaker would also discuss the benefits a Rabbani individual and community can bring to the entire humanity, with a special focus for minority Muslims like Singaporean Muslims. Join us today and enhance your relationship with Allah the Most High!
Habib Abdullah, born in 1972 in Tareem, Hadramaut, Yemen, is an Islamic scholar with a distinguished lineage tracing back to Prophet Muhammad ﷺ. Raised in a devout family, he received early education from his father, Habib Abdurrahman Al-Muhdhar, a respected spiritual leader. During adolescence, he furthered his knowledge at the renowned Rubat Tareem Institution, studying under prominent scholars like Syeikh Fadal Bafadal and Habib Masyhur Bin Muhammad.
Throughout the years, Habib Abdullah dedicated himself to preaching religious sciences. His teachings encompass exegesis, Qur’anic sciences, Hadith, Islamic Jurisprudence, and the Syafi’e school of thought. Renowned for his sincerity and humility, he cared deeply for his students’ well-being, offering wise advice and patient guidance. Currently guiding around 500 students from various countries, he has also initiated global dakwah efforts.
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As-Siddiq Centre for Islamic Studies Pte Ltd (commonly known as is a recognised Islamic education centre in Singapore, approved by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (IECP).
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