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Shaykh Umar bin Hussein Al-Khatib Al-Ansari Al-Ausi was born in 1969, in the blessed Hadramawt Valley in South Yemen.
Shaykh Umar Al-Khatib had been a devoted student of the Islamic Sciences, having memorised the Quran and embarked on studies in various Islamic sciences, with scholars in the Hadramaut Valley, at a young age.
He counts the following ulama’ as his teachers:
Shaykh Umar Al-Khatib is a faqih (an expert in Islamic jurisprudence) and currently serves as a senior teacher and a fatwa committee member at the world renowned Darul Mustafa Institute of Islamic Sciences. He currently teaches Fiqh, Aqidah, Al-Quran, and Hadith.He is also an Imam and Khatib for the Juma’ah and Eid prayers at Masjid Ar-Raudhah, Aidid, Tarim.
Shaykh Umar Al-Khatib regularly travels around the world such as to Europe, Syria, Egypt, Malaysia, Indonesia and Singapore to teach the Islam sciences.
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