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Prophet Muhammad (ﷺ) brought a message that was revolutionary: enlightenment and education that immediately ushered people out of wayward darkness into guiding light, from unrealistic life to realistic life, from evil to good. The traditions and examples of Prophet Muhammad are a vast reservoir of examples from which we can draw to quench our thirst for self-improvement and true guidance.
Allah Almighty says, “And We have not sent you but as a mercy to the worlds.” (Al-Qur’an, 21:107). Prophet Muhammad’s (ﷺ) mercy sheltered all humanity – men, women and children, and he was merciful to all creatures including plants and animals. He is an excellent example for the rich and poor, young and old, rulers and ruled, and for the most intelligent as well as the most common of people. He is the embodiment of the message and values of the Holy Qur’an.
The morality of the Prophet ﷺ included diverse traits and aspects of life. He was kind, compassionate, caring, generous and humble, but he was also strong, brave, eloquent, wise and insightful. He was a great planner, organiser and thinker, yet he was also a man of faith, trust and devotion to Allah. He was involved and active with his family and community but he did not neglect his servitude to Allah. He was exemplary as a teacher, preacher, imam, leader, statesman, judge, commander of the armies as well as a husband, a father, a grandfather, a businessman, a neighbour, and a friend.
The speaker will expound on why Prophet Muhammad ﷺ should matter in our lives, elucidating on the beautiful characters of the Prophet that we can all emulate.
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As-Siddiq Centre for Islamic Studies Pte Ltd (commonly known as is a recognised Islamic education centre in Singapore, approved by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (IECP).
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