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Habib Muhammad bin Abdullah bin Ali Al-Aydarus is a distinguished Islamic scholar from Tarim, Yemen, with a Bachelor’s Degree in Islamic Jurisprudence and Law from the Faculty of Sharia at Al-Ahqaff University. He also studied at Rabat Tarim under the tutelage of renowned scholars, including Al-Habib Ali Al-Masyhur bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh and Al-Habib Umar bin Muhammad bin Salim bin Hafidh. He has served as an Islamic educator in Al-Shihr, Hadramout, and was the Superintendent of Abu Maryam Centre for Quranic Memorisation. He actively participates in international conferences and has been a guest speaker across multiple continents. Currently, he is a lecturer at Dar al-Mustafa Institute in Tarim, where he also holds key roles in the Fatwa Division and the Department of Da’wah, while being a superintendent of the institute. He contributed significantly to Islamic education and scholarship with the publication of many books like The Study of Ramadhan for the Nation of Muhammad, Unveiling the Secrets of Umrah and Visitations, Illuminating the Seekers of Guidance, and many others.
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