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The word khuluq (خُلُق) denotes a comprehensive term that covers the moral and behavioral aspects of a person. It is sometimes used interchangeably with the word adab (أدب), which is often translated as etiquette. These terms are used when speaking of refined social manners, good character, sound moral values, decency, politeness, reverence, and high regard for people and perhaps even places or times.
The speaker will discuss the reality of Prophet Muhammad’s Character in the Qur’an based on a hadith of Sayyidatuna ‘Aisha, when asked about the character of the Prophet Muhammad, she responded; “Kana Khuluquhu Al-Qur’an” His character is Al-Qur’an and in reality, no one can really praise the Prophet like Allah the Almighty when he said: “Innaka la’ala Khuluqin ‘Adhim” Verily, you are of a great moral character. In this lecture, the speaker will talk about the difference between Al-Qur’an and it’s another name, Al-Furqan.
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As-Siddiq Centre for Islamic Studies Pte Ltd (commonly known as is a recognised Islamic education centre in Singapore, approved by the Islamic Religious Council of Singapore (IECP).
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